Integration within a multi-app project

There are two mechanisms to help integrating djaodjin-saas within a project composed of multiple Django applications.

  • Overriding models

  • Replacing default functions

For example, djaoapp is a project which ties djaodjin-saas with other Django applications into a boilerplate Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) WebApp.

Overriding models

Profiles are defined through the Organization model. It is often useful for composition of Django apps to use a single profile model. This is possible by defining the settings SAAS_ORGANIZATION_MODEL.

User/Profile relationships are implemented through the Role model. It is often useful for composition of Django apps to use a single role model. This is possible by defining the settings SAAS_ROLE_MODEL. If you do so, you will most likely also need to implement a serializer and define SAAS[‘ROLE_SERIALIZER’].

If the AUTH_USER_MODEL (as returned by get_user_model) has been overridden, both SAAS['USER_SERIALIZER'] and SAAS['USER_DETAIL_SERIALIZER'] should be defined and implement a user model serialization as used in API calls for the summary and detailed contact information respectively.

Replacing default functions

saas.settings.BROKER_CALLABLE = 'cowork'

overrides the implementation of saas.models.get_broker This function must return an Organization instance. It is often necessary to override the default implementation when you are dealing with a Web hosting service and each Website has its own database of users, profiles, etc.


overrides the implementation of saas.utils.build_absolute_uri This function must return fully qualified URL. It is often necessary to override the default implementation when you are dealing with a Web hosting service and each Website has its own database of users, profiles, etc.


A callable function which returns a Storage object that will be used to upload a contact picture

saas.settings.PRODUCT_URL_CALLABLE = None

overrides the implementation of saas.mixins.product_url This function must return a absolute URL from a provider, subscriber, plan and request arguments, all of which except the provider can be None. For example, the default implementation returns either: /app/, or /app/{subscriber}/, or /app/{subscriber}/{plan}/.